
Expression a glutamate receptor fusion protein

Multiple focal planes from the anterior region (green and red fluorescence channel) were recorded with a LEICA SP2 confocal microscope. Gut cells show broad-range autofluorescence and were detected in the red and green channel (yellow colour), while GFP-stained neurons were visible in the green channel only (green colour) Image represents an overlay of the green and red channel signals.

Double labelling of axons

A: false color image of interneuron (CFP-labelled, showed in green) and motorneuron axons (GFP-labelled, showed in red) in the ventral cord.Side view. Animal orientation: anterior left, dorsal up. B: cross-section through the ventral cord at the position marked by the arrowhead in A. C, D: same images after deconvolution with Huygens2. E, H: single channel images of C,D. A larger region of the ventral cord with cell bodies of motorneurons visible. J-M:Four cross-sections through the ventral cord at positions indicated by arrowheads in I.

Immunostaining of rat hippocampal primary neurons (1)

Twenty-four hours postinfection, living neurons were immuno-labeled with monoclonal anti-Myc Ab (green channel) to detect surface-inserted MycGluR2 receptors. After fixation and permeabilization, polyclonal anti-Myc Ab (red channel) was used to detect intracellulary expressed receptors. The image shows the specific surface expression of MycGluR2 at the tips of spine-like structures.

Colocalisation analysis of proteins

Colocalisation analysis of Rapsyn-GFP (green) and Acetylcholine Receptor (red). Left: confocal image (single slice, overlay of green and red channel) after deconvolution of the individual 3D stacks. Yellow regions indicate colocalisation. Right: colocalisation analysis: the fluorescence cytogram (2D histogram of voxel fluorescence intensities) shows a cluster of signals at the xy diagonal line indicating a high degree of colocalisation. Colocalisation analysis of Musk-GFP (green) and Acetylcholine Receptor (red) Left: confocal image (single slice, overlay of green and red channel) after deconvolution of the individual 3D stacks. Yellow regions indicate colocalisation. Right: colocalisation analysis: the fluorescence cytogram (2D histogram of voxel fluorescence intensities) shows widely scattered signals indicating a low degree of colocalisation.

Axon trajectories into the nerve ring of the nematode C. elegans

Interneuron cell bodies and axons labelled with GFP under the control of the glr-1 promoter. Pictures in multiple focal planes were recorded with a LEICA TCS-NT confocal microscope and deconvolved with Huygens2 software. Dorsal view (maximum projection) of an animal illustrating the AVJL and AVJR axon trajectories (arrowheads) from the dorsal side. Despite the large nuber of labelled axons in the ring the AVJ axons can be clearly followed.

Immunostaining of rat neuromuscular junctions

Young students of the "Life Science Lab" (students from secondary schools who are interested in modern biological methods and gain work experience) scanned this muscle area.  Neurofilament immunofluorescence stain(green) and Actylcholine receptor (Rhodamine-Bungarotoxin: red); confocal image (maximum projection) after deconvolution of the individual 3D stacks.

Immunostaining of rat hippocampal primary neurons (2)

Immunostaining of hippocampal primary neurons with antibody against RIL (reversion-induced LIM protein; red channel) and SV2 (synaptic vesicle protein; green channel). The image shows the punctate synaptic expression of RIL which colocalizes well with SV2 staining, used here as a synaptic marker.
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