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Thesis - PhD (2)

Thesis - PhD
Dumitru, G. L.; Reinstein, J.: Biochemical and functional studies on DafA, a member of the DnaK chaperone system from Thermus thermophilus. Dissertation, Universität Dortmund, Dortmund (2004)

Thesis - Diploma (1)

Thesis - Diploma
Reinstein, J.: Gezielte Mutagenense mit Hilfe von Desoxyoligonukleotiden am ADK-Gen von E. coli. Diploma, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg (1986)

Other (1)

Weikl, T.; Muschler, P.; Richter, K.; Veit, T.; Reinstein, J.; Buchner, J.: C-terminal regions of Hsp90 are important for trapping the nucleotide during the ATPase cycle, Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 303 (4 Ed.), pp. 583 - 592 (2000)
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